1) On average I got a little under eight hours a sleep a night.
2) I didn't remember any of my dreams from the two week time period. I think this is so because I never woke up in the middle of the night, I generally sleep the whole night through. So in the mornings if I woke up in stages 1,2,3, or 4 I wouldn't remember my dreams. To help me remember my dreams, I could wake up during REM sleep and stay awake for a couple of minutes. Because if I just woke up and went straight back to sleep I would forget, therefore I would need to stay awake for about five minutes.
3) I didn't have any dreams.
4)On weekends I went to sleep a couple hours later than I did on the week days. But I usually made it up by sleeping in those extra hours, so I ended up with the same amount of sleep a night as I get during the week.
5)My energy levels and attitude on the weekend is a lot like it is during the week. This is probably because I get the same amount of sleep on both occasions. It is just as hard for me to get out of bed on the weekends as it is the weekdays. I think this is because I work all weekend, so it is like I am exchanging school for work, except work has longer hours. If I was able to sleep in as long as I would like I would probably have a lot more energy on the weekends and be more apt to get up in the mornings.
6) No, I am not getting enough sleep. I often doze off if I sit still too long and at night I have no problem falling asleep.
7)To change this, I could go to bed earlier or sleep in later. But that is hard because I always have things to do. During the week, I have homework at night to do so that puts off going to bed earlier and in the morning I have to be at internship at 8:15 so I cannot sleep in later. During the weekends I usually don't get home until after midnight because of work and then in the mornings I have to get back up for work, so there really isn't anything I can do there.
Very good. 15 out of 15