Saturday, December 11, 2010

Skinner Box

The game that I use to play frequently is Crash. Crash is an excellent example of a Skinner box. The only real difference is that instead of it being a pigeon, it is an actual person. Just as the pigeon has the choice to either perform an action and get a reward, the player of Crash also has that choice. In the beginning of the game,  the player is given a little back story and then they are to work through the levels. After a level was completed, there would be more of the story and then a new level would begin. As the player delved deeper into the game and surpasses more and more levels they would learn new moves that would help them with the obstacles. So as the pigeons received food as positive reinforcement, which is increasing behaviors by presenting positive stimuli, the player of Crash received new abilities for the character. Another positive reinforcer is when part of the story is shown at the end of each level. The player is able to learn more of what is going on and know that what they are doing is defeating the villain that is out to destroy the world. A secondary reinforcer is a stimulus that gains it reinforcing power through its association with a primary reinforcer. It can be seen in the game as the player learns new moves and is able to beat levels faster and overcome more challenges. A negative reinforcer, an act that increases behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, could be seen during the levels. If Crash does something wrong he generally is electrocuted and stuck in that spot until the deed is corrected. So if the player does everything correctly then they will not lose precious time and have to redo certain things. The reward schedule for this game is fixed-ratio. Fixed-ratio is a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response only after a specified number of response. In the game, the player is rewarded after every level every time. There isn't any mystery or unpredictability in it. Achievement motivation which is a desire for significant accomplishment, can be seen in most players of this game. Players want to beat the levels so they can eventually complete the game and stop the evil villain from destroying the world.